Based on the Public Survey of Corruption Rate in Indonesia Up

PojokPos. The Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) and Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) released the results of a national survey entitled 'Public Perception Trends on Corruption in Indonesia'. From the results of the survey the majority of respondents considered that the level of corruption had increased with a result of 52 percent.

While 21 percent of respondents rate the level of corruption has decreased, 24 percent rate has not changed, and 3 percent do not know.
"In general, those who said the level of corruption increased by a maximum of 52 percent," said LSI Senior Researcher Burhanuddin Muhtadi while presenting the results of the survey in Jakarta on Monday.

However, said Burhanuddin, looking at the results of a survey of corruption trends in the past two years, the perception of corruption declined, from 70 percent in 2016, 55 percent in 2016 to 52 percent in this latest survey.

Burhanuddin went on to say that as much as 81 percent considered the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as the institution that carried out the most steps to eradicate corruption. The high effectiveness of eradication carried out by the KPK reached 85 percent.

Under the KPK, 57 percent of respondents considered President Joko Widodo to take steps to eradicate corruption. Jokowi's level of effectiveness is 76 percent. Then the National Police received 54 percent with the effectiveness of 66 percent.

Whereas institutions such as the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), the Attorney General's Office, Courts, Supreme Court, Mass Media, DPRD, to Ministries / Institutions, only score under 50 percent if the institution has steps to eradicate corruption.

Burhanuddin also reminded the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Office, Yanuar Nugroho, that the public did not know much about the president being the highest person in eradicating corruption.

"Even though this big agenda (eradicating corruption), the president as the commander in chief, is the party most responsible," Burhanuddin said.

Furthermore, Burhanuddin stated that the majority of the people or 69 percent of respondents considered the government serious about fighting corruption, especially the central government. While 63 percent rated the provincial government and 62 percent of district / city governments seriously eradicating corruption.

The survey was conducted on 2,000 respondents spread across a number of regions of Indonesia. Age of respondents above 19 years. The survey was held on 8-10 October 2018. The margin of error in this survey was more or less 2.2 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.


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