This is the Cool Breakthrough of Women's National Commission, When the Number of Violence Increases

RakyatUtama. Reports related to cases of violence against women who entered the National Commission on Violence against Women or Komnas Perempuan continued to increase. On average, from the National Commission on Violence Against Women data, the number of complaints reports reaches 100 cases every month.

The violence against women that was reported was derived from various reports. Responding to the surge in reports of violence, the National Commission on Violence Against Women made a breakthrough to create convenience in the complaints process.

The Chairperson of the National Commission for Women, Azriana R. Manalu, emphasized the breakthrough that her party made in this matter by implementing cloud contact center technology. According to him, in this way, victims could be facilitated in the complaints process. In addition, this is for the convenience of the victim.

"So far, it's still a manual and our volunteers are still limited. "Contact center cloud technology can support our efforts to prevent and handle cases of violence against women more optimally," Azriana said, quoted from his official statement, Saturday, December 8, 2018.

He gave an example during this time the obstacle in complaints was for example during holidays. He said, when holidays outside office hours or like at midnight it is difficult to receive complaints.

"With our old devices, during holidays or outside office hours, for example midnight, that can't be done. But, with this cloud contact center device all complaints can be recorded," he explained.

For Azriana, cases of violence against women are now like an iceberg phenomenon. Because, what appears on the surface is only a little. In fact, what has not been revealed is even greater.

 "It also takes courage for victims of violence to report their cases," he said.

   Then, of course, the existence of contact center cloud technology is expected that victims can leave messages when facing threats. With this device, according to Azriana, it can listen to recordings so that it can call back at the right time.

The advantages of this system can also support the performance of Komnas Perempuan in periodically monitoring the progress of cases. "By making a call from the database that has been provided," he said.

Regarding the breakthrough of cloud contact center technology, Komnas Perempuan collaborates with Telkomtelstra and ipSCAPE.

Telkomtelstra's Chief Financial Officer, Ernest Hutagalung, hopes that contact center cloud technology can help the role of Komnas Perempuan. The main objective is that Komnas Perempuan can be effective and efficient in helping the affairs of violence against women.

"The issue of women is a very important issue. This is our problem together, "Ernest said.

Meanwhile, ipSCAPE's Chief Executive Officer, Fiona Boyd added, not only in Indonesia, female violence cases have become a global issue. Examples such as Australia are one of the countries with high violence against women.

"In Australia, 1 in 5 women experience violence," he explained.


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